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Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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Por qué no avanza REDD+? Política y poder interfieren, de acuerdo a experta

Consistency vs country-driven: The debate over guidance for Safeguard Information Systems

Backsliding, straitjackets and finance: A pre-Lima primer on the climate negotiations

Safeguards, finance loom large at UN climate talks in Lima

Mainstreaming emission reductions across the landscape

INFORME ESPECIAL: Las complejidades en el sector de uso del suelo en el Perú

Estudiar los caminos forestales para detectar la degradación de los bosques

Time for urgent action on social safeguards for REDD+, researchers say

Stoves cook up relief for Ethiopia’s forests, climate

Food and forests: Bolivia’s balancing act

Power and political interest pervade Peru’s land sector

Investigación sobre salvaguardas evalúa participación local y percepciones de etapas iniciales de REDD+

Logging roads a useful proxy for detecting forest degradation, research finds

Un partenaire improbable pour protéger les forêts et ralentir le changement climatique

Safeguards research gauges local participation, views of early-stage REDD+ initiatives

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