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Knowledge tree on REDD+ benefit sharing

The knowledge tree is a tool to support those designing and implementing REDD+ payment distribution mechanisms. It assists policymakers and practitioners to develop guidelines by reviewing lessons learnt on the ground. The tree takes users from concept and principles, to step-by-step detailed advice on design, implementation and assessment.
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International database on REDD+ projects and programs (IDRECCO)

ID-RECCO is a database developed in 2014 by CIFOR, Climate Economics Chair (Paris-Dauphine university, France), CIRAD and IFRI (University of Michigan, United States). It aims at improving knowledge on REDD+ projects and programs by centralizing data on REDD+ projects, with more than 110 variables per project/program, and organizing these data in a format adapted to research purposes and global analyses. CIFOR has hosted this database since 2018. It was last updated in Dec 2020, with another update scheduled for 2022.
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Deforestation and Carbon Emission Simulators

Visualize how different policy scenarios could affect deforestation and carbon emissions levels in key ecosystems of Brazil, Peru, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) up to 2030.
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REDD+ Cost Model

The REDD+ Cost Model standardizes the collection, categorization and analysis of budget data on REDD+ initiatives. With the understanding that REDD+ is more complex and expensive than initially thought, the tool aids in the comparison of costs across different interventions and sites, and is helpful to researchers and analysts who want to estimate the implementation cost of REDD+ projects.
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CarboScen is a relatively simple bookkeeping tool to compute carbon stocks for scenarios and to compare their values in landscapes with forests and other land use types. Valuing future carbon stocks is not trivial, even if timing of land use change and equilibrium carbon stocks in land uses are known. Firstly, due to variation in the rate of change of carbon stocks after a land use change and secondly because, in most situations, near future is more important than distant future.
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CIFOR’s global database of REDD+ and other forest carbon projects

CIFOR’s global database of REDD+ and other forest carbon projects was available online from 2010 to 2017 as a product of the GCS-REDD+. It was compiled by researchers based at CIFOR and the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University, based on information collected between July 2009 and December 2010, and updated in 2012
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Indonesian Peatland Network (IPN) Toolbox

This toolbox is a collection of lecture materials in PowerPoint aimed to understand the challenges and opportunities of peatlands in Indonesia and its relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
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SWAMP Toolbox

The Sustainable Wetlands for Mitigation and Adaptation Program (SWAMP) Toolbox has been developed to guide users in understanding the importance of wetlands ecosystems as carbon reservoirs for climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. The scope of the toolbox ranges from global to national and local perspectives.
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Forests Climate Change Toolbox

This Forests and Climate Change Toolbox has been developed to build understanding and technical proficiency on issues of climate change and forests including mitigation, adaptation, carbon accounting and markets, and biofuels.
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